Common Questions

In my 30 years as an audiologist I've heard almost every possible question about hearing aids and hearing loss. The most common are:
Which hearing aid is the right one for me?
The best hearing aid is the one that is programmed and fit to you personally by an experienced audiologist. That's why our concierge service provides the extra time needed in your own environment to make sure it is perfect for you.

Which brand is the best?
The brand or style of hearing aid is not what makes the difference. It is how well the hearing aid is tailored to your specific needs and comfort. A properly fit and professionally fiitted hearing aid is the best hearing aid. We work with all the major brands to offer a full range of products.
Do I have to wear the hearing aids all the time?
In the first few weeks of adapting to a hearing aid it is a good idea to wear for at least 5-6 hours every day. The more you wear the hearing aid the quicker you adapt and hear better with it.
How do I know if it is the right time for me to start wearing hearing aids?
Our complete in home diagnostic evaluation will determine if you are a good candidate for hearing aids at this time. If your hearing loss is still too mild we will recommend a hearing test in one year. If you need to be referred to a specialist for further testing, it would be recommended at the initial consultation.
Why are hearing aids so expensive?
Hearing aids now come in different price levels and technology levels. You don't have to spend more than your budget allows. Hearing aids are very sophisticated electronics that have been developed with millions of dollars spent in research.

What is a professsional hearing aid cleaning?
We have special equipment - including a vacume, to clean the hearing aids. Because you wear hearing aids on your body they need a professional cleaning at least once a year if not every six months to work effectively. If the microphones or speakers are clogged with wax or moisture, the sound will be weak and not amplifying properly.
Help and Resources
If you wear hearing aids and are having trouble with bluetooth connection the following manufacturer's help lines listed below may be helpful.
Phonak Consumer Bluetooth support 1-800-679-4871
Signia Consumer Bluetooth support 1-800-350-6093
Unitron Consumer Bluetooth support 1-866-230-0115
Rexton 1-800-350-6093
Starkey 1-800-721-3573
Oticon 1-855-400-9766