Maximize your hearing aids benefits!
These are some useful tips to help you get the most from your hearing aid.
· Keep it Clean! Wax and moisture are the enemies of the hearing aid! Make sure you clean the device at least once a month as your hearing aid provider shows you. If you can, take it to your provider for a cleaning every six months.
· Consistency is Key! Wear the hearing aid as much as possible, especially in the beginning. The human body is designed to adapt to anything, as long as it is consistent. That means you have to wear it every day for at least a few hours to let your brain and body learn to “hear in a new way”.
· Keep it Safe! Store the hearing aids in a dry place away from moisture, pets and heat. I recommend keeping hearing aids in a closed container in your nightstand or bedside table. The bathroom is the worst place to keep your hearing aid because of the risk of humidity and moisture to the electronics. Pets love hearing aids so placing them on the desk or table without a case leaves them too vulnerable to your pets’ curiosity.
· Positive Attitude! Don’t expect your hearing to be “back to normal”. Hearing aids are only aids to the hearing loss you have, they are not corrective and only work when you wear them. Try not to get discouraged and give up. The benefits of wearing hearing aids are cumulative, the more you wear them, especially in the beginning, the better you will do in the long run!