What is Presbycusis or age related hearing loss?
There are two types of hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss occurs when the structures in the middle ear which are the canal, the tympanic membrane (eardrum) and the ossicular chain (middle ear bones-malleus, incus and stapes) are impaired. This type of hearing loss may be medically treated and sometimes corrected through surgery.
The second type of hearing loss is Sensorineural or Nerve Loss. This type of loss occurs when the nerve endings inside the inner ear (cochlea) are damaged or destroyed and can no longer send the neural signal to the brain correctly.
Age related hearing loss is of the second category. The damage to the nerve endings may come from noise exposure or from medications like chemotherapy. It can also be due to health factors such as circulatory or heart issues or diabetes. It is ascribed to aging because the effects of these factors show up in the age group above 65, where approximately one in four adults has some hearing loss, and that jumps up to a 50% chance when you reach 75.
As we age, changes in brain elasticity and ability to process information coupled with the gradual changes in the inner ear create the picture of the age-related hearing loss. The most common symptoms are hearing but not understanding speech, difficulty hearing in noise, and tinnitus or ringing in the ears.
Our golden years can still be some of our best years if we accept the health issues as they arise and take active steps to address them.
Hearing help, now more than ever before, has the best technology and offers excellent solutions to hearing problems.
Our practice is designed to support you as you address the issue of hearing loss. We have the knowledge and expertise to guide you to the right technology and make it easier for you to get accustomed to it.
I am hear for you! Call anytime, I would happy to answer any questions you have about hearing help!